
Lookout Highlands is a 1500-acre gated community.  The development was started in 1988 by Lookout Atlantis LLC, on property acquired from a timber and mining company.  Roads, lakes, and subdivided lots were developed, while retaining much of the woods, wilderness and natural beauty of the land, creating a unique type of development.  The first lots were sold in 1992 and the first houses built in 1993.  From those beginnings, Lookout Highlands has grown to encompass a total of 176 lots and 600 acres of common property.  Currently, about 76 families are either full or part-time residents. 

To ensure that the quality of life in Lookout Highlands is protected now and for years to come, the Association has developed usage guidelines for the common area amenities. 

  • Lakes – Lookout Highlands has five lakes and ponds that are professionally maintained and stocked with fish for property owners and their guests to enjoy.  Boat launches are available for all owners to use. See the Usage Guidelines for Lakes here.
  • Trails – Lookout Highlands has some beautiful mountain scenery, but the best views are available only to those willing to walk a little.  There are trails for every age and ability – a variety of scenic hikes including roadside walks, streamside wanders, and gorge descents to spectacular waterfalls.  See the Usage Guidelines for Trails here.
  • Pavilion – The Bluff Park Pavilion is available to all owners for events, and serves as the venue for community get-togethers.  See the Usage Guidelines for the Pavilion here.

Architectural Review
 – To preserve the natural beauty of the community, minimally impact the environment, maintain a harmonious design for the development, create a safe work environment during construction, and promote and protect the value of the property, all property owners are subject to the rules and regulations of the Architectural Review Committee.  See the rules

Fiber Optic – Fiber optic service for internet (speeds up to 1 gig) is available from the local telephone company, TVN.  See the current rates here. 

Entrance Gate – An entrance gate limits access to those who have legitimate reasons for being inside Lookout Highlands.  

Social Events – The community holds a number of events allowing owners to socialize, including a Fall Picnic, Ice Cream Social, Holiday Party, and impromptu dinners.